Welcome to my site!!
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A little about me

Hey hey! I'm The Gummi System. I go by many names myself so go look at my name list here
I use He/She/It/Xe pronouns, and I'm currently 14! My birthday is April 18th. My timezone is EST, and I live in New York, USA! I'm medically diagnosed with PTSD, anxiety, depression, ODD and Jaffe campcanaci syndrome. I am self diagnosed with BPD, DID and autism (Please note I've done tremendous research and I'm medically recognized on this!) . I'm a pansexual genderfluid man as well as a dragonkin and catkin, plus a furry! I regularly use xenogenders to help describe my gender identity. I hope to create and produce my own children's TV show one day! Here's my portfolio if you wanna take a look.
I have a lot of interests. Go look at a list of them here! I'm more likely to connect with you and be more close to you if we share similair intrests.
I'm very open about my moral code, personality and history. I've been through a lot, and I may bring it up in passing at times! If you wanna know about my life so far, go check out my autobiography!
My boundraries/triggers
I do not support racists, homophobes, transphobes, nazis, antisemitists, ableists, russia supporters, isreal supporters, proshipper/comshippers, pedophiles/maps, zoophiles, cringe culture supporters and generally hateful people! Please do not interact.
Please don't speak to me/about me if you're name is Sylvan, or if you are friends with him. Please keep mentions of the fandoms Alfred's Playhouse, Ultrakill v1, Scott Pilgrim and Phighting to a minimum near me, they make me uncomfy.